Tuesday, July 24, 2012

End of July Update

Well, door knock reluctance still continues. I am working on that. My wife is being a pain in my ass and being unsupportive in this venture and method of marketing. She feels it is time for me to get a JOB.

I might have to if I don't start hitting this hard. I am in Dallas TX. It is 100 degrees every day, One problem I am having is... how would someone feel when a sweaty 48 year old man shows up at their door pitching life insurance? In a sense, seems kind of strange. This is the thought that is not making me too excited to go out and door knock, but I should! Plus sometimes I wonder who in the heck is going to awnser the door!

So lets examine whats really going on here:

My subconscious is finding ways to inhibit me from achieving sucess, by keeping me safe (staying in my comfort zone - because that is what subconscious is comfortable with) and secondly...


Being afraid of the unknown. However, once known, fear will be gone. So I have 2 choices at this point. I can let fear win and start getting a secure hourly wage / salary position which will provide me and my family a mediocre life.


I can just walk up to a door and knock on it and introduce myself! Plus the more I do it, law of large numbers suggests that success will be achieved. Meaning if I knock on 60 doors and make one sale and earn $700 then...Every time I knock on 60 doors I will make $700!  For the most part, give or take a few doors. However in life insurance there are a lot of unhealthy people in the United States and smokers so commissions could be much more like $1000 to $3000 or more for just one sale. If you smoke, expect to pay double for individual life insurance coverage.

There is surely potential in door knocking and door canvassing for life insurance sales. I have been researching others who do it (door knocking for sales) and those who don't do it, who reject the idea.

Those that don't do it have alot of reasons why they don't do it and they feel superior for some reason. Some of the reasons are quite convincing on why one shouldn't be doing it, but I don't buy it.  Seems these guys have bankrolls to spend on advertising, leads and rather people come to them.

Those that do door knock or do door to door canvassing for life insurance sales do get rejected by people, but when they do find a prospect, that prospect is exclusive. There is NO other agent calling them. I am hearing stories of agents knocking 30 doors and getting a sale in 2 to 3 hours!

Imagine making $600 for 3 hours of work!  Well it is happening every day. It's happening every day. You just don't know about it, because these guys really ain't sharing their stories. But I can find them.

This is big and important stuff. My neighbor told me that they know of a guy here in Dallas who is a body builder and trainer who also sells final expense (burial insurance) only by knocking on doors. He earns $2000 a week doing this. Works about 4 days a week.

** If you are just starting to read my story about my adventures in selling insurance... Let me briefly mention that I am a stay at home dad, with two little kids and my wife works during the day. So this really restricts my ability to go out and hit the streets to do what I need to do.

I told my wife that we really need to get a baby sitter so I can do this full time and work the business real hard. But of course she gave me grief tonight about that and doubts my selling abilities and the need for life insurance for families and even businesses.

This is a big problem...

The story continues, find a way to subscribe to this rss feed.

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